July 4th ...actually 5th... Ice Cream Social and Picnic....2009
The Harris County 4-H Summer Activity Group came to visit the farm...June 10, 2009 We toured the farm...saw all the animals, the gardens, had a picnic and went for a dip in the pool...summer fun!
Christmas 2008 Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.... Land Family Extended Christmas Dinner Dec. 7
Thanksgiving 2008 at Pate Farms We had a great time of family fun on Thanksgiving Day. We are truly thankful that we can share our home with family. We had lot's of good food. Some of it from the farm. The turkey's got spared this year...but maybe next year we'll have a home grown one on the table.
Fourth of July Ice Cream Social At Pate Farms 2008 We enjoyed a fun day with family, community, and church friends with a summer ice cream social. We played yard games...of horse shoes, badminton, and croquet... cooked hamburgers and hotdogs...had homemade icecream and desserts... ....Here are some pictures to remember the day. |