Look the turkeys are hatching 05-07-08
Here is Mawsquaw the turkey.
Momma hen and her babies.
Here is a Dominique hen pecking at some corn
"Hey! It's bright out in the big world"
...meet GP the turkey...
Mr. Tom Turkey...Gobble ...Gobble...
Millie Fleur wants some babies too!
ma and her babes...6/29 |
Momma hen watching over the coop....
GP's been growing... update 6/30
Big Red the rooster is strutting around
Hey look a tasty bug............. mmmmmm mmmmmm
Look at beautiful General.......
"Hey guys! Can I come over and play!"
I'm too gobble for my feathers, too gobble for my feathers. Just toooo gobble........
" Hey Wanna be friends?" says Mr. Duck.
Baby Sultans and Frizzles chicks!!
Miss Frizzle watches over her chicks
Here is Chubby the Rooster
Young Guineas pecking around in the yard!
Here is Squeakster the turkey.